Why should you care about viral traffic generation?
Viral marketing is not just for the big boys out there. You might think that you need a huge marketing budget to take advantage of viral traffic, but that is simply not the case at all. You don’t need any flashy ads to be produced to benefit from viral traffic, and it should definitely be an important part of your overall marketing effort.
There are several reasons that you should be using viral traffic generation, so let's take a look at some of those right now.
It's Fast and Effective
We’ve already touched on just how fast it can be.
It's Inexpensive
Viral traffic generation does not have to cost you a single dime.
It Shields You from Any Negative Comments
As soon as you start making yourself known on the internet by offering a product or service, nine times out of ten it's going to be received very well.But remember, the internet is a voice box for everybody out there.
And there is always the chance that someone will say something negative about your site or service, probably for no reason other than to be nasty.
By utilizing viral marketing and taking advantage of viral traffic, you shield yourself from negative comments.
How? Because you're beating them with sheer numbers. If you’ve got so many positive comments out there, the occasional negative one will get lost in the noise.
It Can Find Customers
Viral marketing can find customers that you never knew you had. Your current marketing plan might target very specific niches, while viral marketing could open up your traffic income to whole other demographics you just didn’t even know were there.
How much will it cost me?
The 21 methods, click here, that we’re going to follow here range from free, which is the vast majority of them, to some that could start to cost you a little cash. But remember, the majority of the techniques we’re going to look at are free.
Once the message is out there, the message takes care of itself. The population of the internet takes care of spreading your message for you. The only cost that it may incur would be to pay for the extra bandwidth that you're going to need because of the huge amount of traffic you're about to receive!
Now that we've talked about the benefits of viral traffic let's get down to the nitty gritty and talk about some of the questions that you may have right now.
And first and foremost in your mind is likely: how do I make my message go viral?
Well there are no guarantees, obviously in life, and also in viral traffic generation. But there are things you can do that will increase your chances of success.
Successful viral marketing is a mixture of skill, timing, know-how and luck. You might get lucky right out of the gate and find the technique that works best for you. It might take you ten times to find the one that really works for you. But the key here is to keep at it because you will find at least one method that will drive quality traffic to your Web site.
The key to successful viral marketing is to be unique. We've probably all received emails (I know I have) from friends that point me to a YouTube video. And it's something that obviously caught the attention of millions of people because it's unique in some way. It's either really funny or it's a new take on something that’s been done before. Perhaps it's visually unique. Any one of these will cause people to pay attention and pass the message along.
If you can think outside of the box with your message, you're really going to increase your chances of success.
It's important, before we get started, to remember that internet users are pretty savvy. They're not gullible people (for the most part). Typically they're not the 12:00-flashing-on-the-VCR type of people.
If they’ve spent any amount of time on the internet, they’ve been exposed to a number of different things. Always keep that in mind; don’t assume that you're smarter than they are or that you’ve got one up on them in any way. Just always keep in mind that they're just as savvy as you are and therefore it's easy for them to recognize a cheap knockoff.
Why do I mention this?
Well, if you were just replicating and duplicating something that you’ve seen out there before, they're not going to waste any time on it. They’re going to skip along to the next email or Web site link or whatever. What we want to do in order to be successful with viral traffic generation is to give them something useful and unique. If we can do that, then as has been proven countless times before, the message will spread like wildfire.
If you can become skilled at viral traffic generation the traffic flood that results from this simply won't stop. Once your message is out there, it propagates and spreads and multiplies. The traffic might start as trickle at first but quickly develops into a torrent and it spreads to corners of the world that you never expected.
It's important to remember that there might not be any one method we’re about to discuss that will give you huge success. It's more likely that you're going to have to employ several of these methods to create that flood. One or two might bring in a trickle at a time. Others might bring more traffic. But added together the greater the likelihood you're going to succeed and drive a huge amount of traffic to your Web site.Find the ones that you're most comfortable starting with and give it a shot first.
And again, as I said earlier, think outside of the box. If you find an existing message out there, a Web site, or a YouTube video and it caught your attention, start with that. Work with that as a base, try and adapt it, make it unique, but there is certainly no harm in starting with an existing good idea, and taking it from there to create something that’s completely your own.
Okay, without any further ado, let's start looking at the methods!
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